Monday, February 11, 2013

God's Will for the Christian Wife

God's Will for the Christian Wife God's Will for the Christian Wife
A Christian Wife
Whosoever finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the Lord  (Proverbs 18:22)
God's Formula for a Happy Marriage - Basic Marital Needs - Compatibility Test
A woman today must take the issue to God and be mindful of what he says in His Word. Being submissive does not mean being a doormat; It does not mean being abused, either physically or emotionally.
If you have a Christian Husband, who is being a good spiritual leader as well as financial leader, in the Home (even if times are hard but he is trying) then it is easy for a woman to be a good Christian Wife, and this whole scenario is pleasing to God……..
Respecting your husband is the most important part of being a wife. Supporting him, encouraging him and being available to him is all a part of this respect. However, if the husband is not doing his part, especially when there are children involved, then the wife may find herself with no choice but to take the helm and bring in the finances, get the children to church, do the prayers and the Bible studies. Both parties must always be mindful of their own relationship with Christ and not let the other one bring them down.

"There is a certain amount of security that comes with being a submissive Christian Wife as long as the ChristianHusband is truly fulfilling his duties."

Being a submissive wife is no easy task but it is necessary in building and maintaining a healthy Christian Marriage.
The apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:24, "Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything". And again in Colossians 3:18, Paul states "wives submit to your husbands as it is fitting to the Lord".

The Encarta dictionary defines submission as "giving in to another's authority, control or demands". But the New International Bible defines it as "yielding".

I believe God designed this role for a few reasons. After God created Adam he states in Genesis 2:18,it is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him". God knew that without human companionship, Adam would face loneliness. Although there were animals all around Adam the Lord did not find them suitable. So He created Eve; not to be Adam's servant but to be his helper.
I believe that submissive women are often viewed as weak, unable to speak for themselves or make their own decisions. On the contrary, women that submit to their husbands are being obedient to the Lord's will because it is God that inspired the Apostle Paul to write those very words in Ephesians and Colossians.

"A submissive wife doesn't bow down to her husband. She helps him by the way she supports him and devotes herself to him. She is his suitable companion even his dear friend. Never should she walk behind her husband but only beside him."

Some of the most successful marriages I have seen are those where the couples base their marriage on God's word. Not only are the wives to submit to their husbands, the husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church Ephesians 5:25.
By following the instructions of marriage couples not only cultivate a healthy relationship with each other, they also lay a foundation and an example for their own children. These children see what submission looks like through their mother and they see what love looks like through their father. They carry these principles throughout their lives and apply them to their own marriages.

As parents we should leave a legacy to our children that will be taught to the generations to come. Not only for the sake of being obedient, but as an expression of our love for the Lord.


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